File Manager

The ForteWEB File Manager is where you can organize, add, open, and delete folders and files. All ForteWEB files are stored securely in the cloud, allowing you to access your files from anywhere you have an internet connection. The tools and functions available for files and folders will vary based on your selection within File Manager.

If you are part of larger group of people working together and need to be able to easily share access to certain files, you can create a Team. File and folder tools and functionality are the same within a Team, however, the ability to Move, Copy, and Delete multiple files or folders in a Team are restricted to an Administrator only.

My Files

Your My Files directory will display in the left tree with your Folders under it.  Open a folder by selecting it in the tree. In the main area, all your files and folders in the selected directory will be displayed.

A star indicator will appear in the File Manager next to the file name that is currently open.

Recent files will be displayed in a separate pane that can be collapsed to save space. Files in this area will be sorted by date with most recently accessed files first.

If you need to find a specific File, click on the Search button. Enter your search term(s), and any matching files from both My Files and any Teams you are part of will be displayed below. Double-click to open the file. Select the X to exit the search.

Adding New Files

By default, any new jobs added or imported will be located in My Files. To add a file, click on New File at the top of the page and enter your file name in the field displayed, then press Enter or click on the check mark. Your new job will open and you will be shown the Job Settings tab.

Adding New Folders

To add a folder, click on New Folder at the top of the page and enter a name in the field displayed. Click the check mark or press Enter to save. Your new folder will be listed below under My Files. To open a folder, select the folder name. If you want to add a new file to a folder other than My Files, be sure to open the folder, then add the new file.

Importing Files

You can import files that originated in the Forte desktop that is version 5.3 or newer, as well as XML files originating from Javelin or Sapphire software. To Import a file, click on Import at the top of your screen. When the file manager dialog opens, browse to the file you wish to import and click Open. A new dialog will display showing you any important messages or errors related the imported file. Click OK, and the file will automatically open to the Job Settings tab.

Opening Files and Folders

To open a File or a Folder, select the item in the list, and click Open. You can also double-click an item to open.

Moving Files and Folders

To move a File or Folder, select the item in the list and click Move To. This will open a Move pane on the right side of the screen. In this pane, you can select the new folder for your file or folder, or create a new folder. To create a new folder, select New Folder in the Move pane and enter the name for the new folder.

Once you have selected the folder you wish to move your item to, click Move Here. The pane will close and your file or folder will be moved.

If you are working within a Team file structure, you will be unable to Move to a My Files location unless you are the Administrator of the Team.  However, if you are in My Files, you may move to a Team location.

Copying Files

Only job files may be copied in ForteWEB. To copy an existing file, select the file and click Copy To at the top of the screen. A Copy pane will open on the right side of the screen. Select and existing folder, or add a new one, then click Copy here. The pane will close and your file will be copied to the selected folder. The copied file name will be changed to include ‘Copy of’ at the beginning. You may only copy one file at a time.

If you are working within a Team file structure, you will be unable to Copy to a My Files location.  However, if you are in My Files, you may copy to a Team location.

Downloading a File

Downloading a file from ForteWEB enables you to send a copy of the job file to another user for them to view and edit. To Download a file, select it in the list and click on Download at the top of the screen. Depending on your browser, it will automatically download to your Downloads folder, or provide you an opportunity to select the location for it to be saved. You may only download one file at a time. Another way to share files is to use Teams.

Creating a shortcut to a File

Creating a shortcut to a file in ForteWEB enables quick access a file and the ability to keep the link with other project documents. To create a shortcut, select the file icon in the list and drag it out of the browser and to the location on your computer you want to save the shortcut. That location can be your desktop of a folder in Explorer. Anyone with access to the file in ForteWEB can use the shortcut. So if the file is under a Team, any member of the Team can use the shortcut to see the file.


To delete a File or Folder, select the item you would like to delete and click on the Delete button at the top of the screen.

If the Folder you want to delete contains other files and folders, those will be deleted along with your originally selected folder.

All deleted items will be permanently deleted once you click Delete on the confirmation dialog.

Locked Files

A file will become locked if it is opened. Trying to open the file in other tab, browser, or device by the same user will result in a warning message stating "You have this file open in another browser or tab" and the file won't open. If another user tries to open the file, it will result in the warning message "This file is in use by another user" and the file won't open.

A file can also become locked if you close the tab or browser with the file open without logging out. To close a file properly, be sure to close your current session by using the Logout function under User. If the file is locked in this way, it will become available again after the lock expires (6 minutes).

If the session times out due to inactivity while in a file, the application will return to the file manager and an expiration warning message is displayed. The open file will not be locked.

If a file is locked it can still be copied and downloaded, but not opened, moved, or deleted.

If a file becomes locked and is not accessible, please contact Software Support.